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Article Title:

Nice Has Its Price!

Article Description:

The key to living your life from a place of freedom, peace and
joy is that if you try to live your life to please others, or to
do what they think you should, you'll never be happy or fulfill
your dreams. These tips can help lead you to a more happy, more
fulfilling life...

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845 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-06-23 11:24:00

Written By:     Carol Chanel
Copyright:      2009
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Nice Has Its Price!
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

At the 2007 Grammy awards The Dixie Chicks song "I'm Not Ready
to Make Nice" won the Grammy for best song.

The storm of controversy that spawned the song is known to many.
The hottest selling female country band in music history, the
Dixie Chicks, got knocked off a lot of radio stations and
suffered significant financial losses when one of them expressed
a political viewpoint during a London concert in 2003. Whether
you agree with them or not, isn't what I want to focus on in
this article.

As the Dixie Chicks worked their way out of the controversy, they
wrote an award-winning, powerful song that can be a great guide
for all of us.

"I'm not ready to make nice. I'm not ready to back down...I
don't have time to go round and round and round...I've paid a
price and I'll keep paying... I can't bring myself to do what
it is you think I should."

That last line is the key to living your life from a place of
freedom, peace and joy. If you try to live your life to please
others, or to do what they think you should, you'll never be
happy or fulfill your dreams.

People will find all sorts of ways to try to manipulate you into
doing things their way. They will give you gifts, promotions,
raises, love (well not really, but they say they will), housing,
food, and validation. They will act pouty, whiney, controlling,
angry or aloof to try to get you to do things their way. And all
you have to do is give in, speak, act and do it their way. All
you have to do is sell your soul!

Am I being dramatic? Not really. When you live your life by
someone else's standards and wishes, you aren't living it
according to what feels great for you. And you will never be
happy under those circumstances. And it's your life!

As women, many of us were raised to be nice little girls. We were
taught that being people pleasers had benefits. After all most of
us had moms and dads who validated, rewarded and loved us when we
were good.

And that might have been okay when we were small, since we
couldn't survive without mom and dad, but now as women it's not
good for us.

I'm not implying that you need to be nasty. Kind and firm are
appropriate and a great guide for living your life, especially
combined with humble and loving.

But if you think that you need people to like you more than you
need to honor yourself, then you'll be stuck living your life
the way others think you should.

The cost of being nice, of pleasing others, is giving up your
dreams, desires, choices, freedom and your joy of life. It might
keep you from asking for a raise, taking a dream vacation, living
in a favorite city, driving a fun car, having children, or
getting an education - just to mention a few things you might
sacrifice by being nice and pleasing others.

Other than never making you happy, there's a bigger problem to
the nice scenario.

People who want you to do things their way, who want you to make
them happy, don't really care about you. They only care about
their own feelings and needs. They make terrible partners,
friends, co-workers or bosses.

They care about themselves, at your expense. And it's up to you
to see the truth about them. They are in the relationship for
what they can get out of it, not what they can put into it.

If you stay, you will wake up one day and realize how empty you
are. You will realize that you don't know who you are, that you
lost yourself.

So do yourself a favor, find a partner, friend or boss who also
cares about you. Someone who doesn't manipulate you with gifts,
praise, supposed love and other things to get their way.

Find a partner who doesn't get pouty, whiney, controlling, angry
or aloof to manipulate you into doing things their way.
Especially when it's something you really don't want to do, and
know it's not good for you, or doesn't feel right for you.

As the Dixie Chicks learned, there is often a price to be paid
for speaking your opinion, your truth. But the price of being
nice is far greater than any price you might pay for being true
to yourself. Selling your soul to get material or other perceived
gains, isn't what your came here to do or be. You came here to
live an authentic life. You came here to thrive. You can't
thrive when you turn against yourself.

Choose to not back down. Choose not to make nice. Choose to be
kind, firm, humble and loving. Choose to listen to your heart.
Choose to trust that God Source Creation has great people lined
up for you if you make room for them, then trust and stay

Imagine the possibilities...

(c) Carol C. Chanel

Carol Chanel is a Certified Life Coach who works with people to 
create new, meaningful and FUN lives.  You can learn more about 
how to create loving and healthy relationships, draw boundaries, 
not take things personally, be happy to be who you are, and 
make time for fun by going to her free ezine archive.


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