Hi Warren,

I know you too well by now to think that you were pulling something and I admire you for addressing it and making apologies. I have even more respect for you now than I had before. Keep sending what you think is good for us to see. I appreciate you so much.
Love to you my friend, Rebekah

HRH wrote:
Hi Warren

Well I was not offended and was well aware of what it was all about.
Problem is, as simple human beings we tend to react without thinking to what we hear and see.

Seen and heard worse on the government controlled propaganda networks.

Keep your chin up



Astro wrote:
Dear Joyce and Dave and friends of the Power Hour,

I have been informed that I should not have posted the Iraqi baby eater
story to this list because it was inappropriate and "garbage" and that the
Power Hour is about exposing the truth.

Kindly allow me a few words of explaination.  That is precisely why I posted
it - so everyone could see that it is indeed garbage and to expose it so
that the truth may be known.

That particular story was posted on What Really Happened yesterday, one of
the most highly visited websites on the Internet, and although I have have
not personally communicated with the website's owner, Mike Rivero, I would
assume that is why he also posted it. To expose it as dangerous garbage.

We all know how quickly Internet rumors spread.  I personally believe -
although I have no proof - that the baby eater article may be sinister
black-ops and the writer put a sly disclaimer on it saying it was "satire"
to protect himself - but knowing full well that some other sick idiot might
read it, grab it, perform a quick cut and paste job  - deletely the
disclaimer - and then start passing it on as fact.  This is how Internet
rumors and so-called urban legends get started. There are plenty of gullible
people out there that would believe such a story like this, especially after
the fabricated incubator stories of 1991.  Sure, we all know those stories
are faked, but think of how many people there are who do not possess the
knowledge and information we do, and who probably still accept the 1991
incubator stories as a fact.  Now that is a truly scary thought.

I'm appalled and disgusted by this story as much as any of you are.  My
purpose for posting it was to bring it to everyone's attention so that it
could be nipped in the bud and stopped dead in it's tracks. The best way to
stop rumors and misinformation is to expose them far and wide.

If my intentions have been misconstrued, I profusely aspologize to everyone.
I'm not a secret government disinformation agent or provocateur and I have
no devious hidden agendas.  I don't play games, I'm up front with everyone
about my beliefs and opinions and I tell people what I think. Even if people
disagree with me - which is fine, and many people do - they usually respect
my honesty.  I take great personal pride in being honest and maintaining my
credibilty. That's all I have, I value it more than anything else, and I
will defend it to the end.

For what ever it's worth, I've been following Joyce and Dave's work since
I996 when I first received a copy of their Gulf War video which helped me to
start seeing through all the lies and deception.  Joyce and Dave have helped
open my eyes to many other acts of government corruption and deception and I
thank God for leading me to them. I consider them as trusted friends and my
personal teachers who have educated me and raised my awareness on many
important issues over the years.

I'm a disabled veteran and I strongly support Joyce and Dave's work and
listen to the Power Hour every day. I stand shoulder to shoulder with them
in their committment and determination to support and defend all of our
veterans - and exposing the truth.  We may not agree on everything, but
there is no quarrel on these core beliefs.

I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone by trying to expose garbage
and trash for what it is. I believe it's better to know about something - no
matter how awful it is - so that if an awful rumor such as this ever should
get started, we know where it came from and can immediately dismiss it for
what it is.

I assure you I would never intentionally do anything to discredit Joyce or
Dave or the Power Hour or any of it's efforts as I have nothing but the
highest respect for them and everyone on this list. If anyone believes I
have used poor judgement, I can accept your opinions and humbly acknowledge
them. I would only ask for your kind forgiveness. I have been guilty of
using poor judgement in the past, but fortunately I keep learning from my
mistakes by the Grace of God.

Regardless of what your final decision is, I will continue to support Dave
and Joyce and the Power Hour.

Respectfully yours,

Warren Gammel
Ocala, Florida

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