thierrygonon schrieb:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> I'm using the Nasa SRTM DEMs, with the 90m precision. I've also used the 
> functions that allows the transformation of vector level lines in DEMs, 
> so that I can visualize them through nviz (include in GRASS) or Paraview 
> (own installation). To import therion datas, I export them from therion 
> in SQL format, but it only delivers the axis points... I still didn't 
> try the new feature (ESRI Shapefile export)...
> Thierry

for therion -> grass I'v used the dxf output which I then converted 
externally to shp which I've imported to grass, but I also have to test 
the new shp output of therion (is on my to do list)

but I thought more on the link from grass to therion. Transformation of 
SRTM data to a rectangular grid and exporting to ascii file and finally 
importing that into therion. The new 3D viewer (loch) is much nicer than 
  nviz in grass ;-)

I also thought on how to get satellite images / airophotos and how to 
use them as overlays. For some European countries as well as for the US 
and Canada there are some nice server where you can download some data, 
but mostly you have to stitch many tiles together so that you finally 
have one big overlay for your region of interest.

more ideas?

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