Hi Christian,

I'm a french user of therion and use it for caves and also ancient mines 
as I'm an archaeologist specialised in this domain. I think it could be 
interesting to share our practise with this software, to see what feets 
well our needs and we specially need... So, if you think the same, let 
me know !!


Christian Rößler (Roessler) a écrit :
> Good day,
> first let me introduce myself, perhaps: I am (of course) new to the Therion 
> list. Well, I am from southern germany, the black forest, to be exact; and I 
> am primarily interested in abandoned mines, not in caves. So I went on the 
> search for a capable map-making software, found Therion and started with it - 
> please bear with my as I am posting surely some stupid beginner's mistakes.
> Very nice software, Therion, by the way; and many thanks to the developers.
> But I have some problems. We are used to make lrud data when surveying mines, 
> so I am bound to lrud (left-right-up-down I mean). I have come as far as 
> mapping a single centerline successfully, but when I try to join two 
> centerlines at the appropriate point I am stuck. I have tried al lot of 
> possible join-syntaxes, so I fear my error lies perhaps deeper.
> I always get:
> | therion: error -- can not connect 0 at Eisenbach_2.Eisenbach to centerline
> | network 
> I have a master file [eisenbach_hotel.thconfig] with just one line in it:
> | source eisenbach_hotel.th
> [eisenbach_hotel.th] reads:
> | survey Eisenbach -title "Hotelstollen Eisenbach Intervall 1"
> | input eisenbach_hotel_intervall_1.th 
> | input eisenbach_hotel_intervall_2.th 
> | join Eisenbach_2 at 0 Eisenbach_1 at 15.25:end
> | #join 0 at Eisenbach_2.Eisenbach 14 at Eisenbach_1.Eisenbach
> | endsurvey  
> If I out-comment one input line, no matter which,  and insert an appropriate 
> line with export in other place man I can successfully generate a background 
> image for both after compiling, so I think the two data sets are ok. I have 
> inserted these two sets below.
> Please, can anyone give me a functioning join line, or, if the error lies 
> elsewhere, point me in the right direction?
> Many thanks,
> Christian
> The tho data sets:
> [eisenbach_hotel_intervall_1.th]:
> | survey Eisenbach_1 -title "Eisenbach 1. Intervall"
> | centerline 
> | date 2007.11.08 
> | declination -2 degrees 
> | team "CHR" 
> |  data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
> |  0 2 2 340 1 0.55  1.30 1.40 0 
> |  [ ... data in between snipped for brevity]
> |  14  15.25 1.25  340 1 0.45  0.27  1.78  0 
> |  endcenterline 
> |  endsurvey 
> [eisenbach_hotel_intervall_2.th]:
> | survey Eisenbach_2 -title "Eisenbach 2. Intervall"
> | centerline 
> | date 2007.11.08 
> | declination -2 degrees 
> | team "CHR" 
> | data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
> | 0 2 2 330 1 0.40  0.25  1.68 0 
> | [...]
> | 14  15.25 1.25  330 1 0.69  0.37  1.40  0 
> | endcenterline 
> | endsurvey
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