The problem, that therion exteded elevation was not designed to be used 
with extended 3d files import. You should be able to control xelevation 
using extend switch in centerline. Could you please try following:

survey texa-elev

    import texa_extend.3d

      extend start 3 # start extended elevation from station 3
      extend right 5 # from station 5 - extend to the right

    input elev_top.th2


May be, you will have to add @subsurvey.survey to station names in 
extend command or use -surveys ignore switch in import command. For some 
details, see:


John Pybus wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create an extended elevation of a cave.  I have the 
> centreline data as survex files and have created an extended version of 
> the .3d using the survex "extend" command with a specfile to specify at 
> which points the elevation switches direction.
> I have created a .th file like so:
> survey texa-elev
>    import texa_extend.3d
>    input elev_top.th2
> endsurvey
> but therion doesn't respect the changes of direction in texa_extend.3d 
> and extends it all out to the right which doesn't correspond to the 
> drawings in elev_top.th2 and produces very corrupted output.
> Is there a way to correct this and tell therion where the switches in 
> direction are?
> Cheers,
> John
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