On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 08:11 +1200, Bruce Mutton wrote:
> Thanks Wookie.
> Can not believe paper is better, but then in the 6 months I've been learning
> Therion, it has improved a lot...  Any more information or examples
> appreciated.
> At present it's only my thconfig files that I think are messy and confusing.
> I'm working on making them very much more modular, a separate sub-thconfig
> file for every task.  
> A thought; being able to pass a variable between thconfig files or even from
> .th files to thconfig files could make things easier by avoiding, for
> example, changing the name of maps to match the cave name.  See the
> following example
> ...


i'm no expert about "data management", i can just tell what i tried
for a cave that's more than a few surveys/scraps.
it is still in a fuzzy shape, and it's just what i experienced
(ie, tested on caves, a few km long).

a directory for surveys, with a subdirectory for each survey
(each with its own thconfig, more on this later).
a second directory with subdirectories to group the surveys
together (each group with its thconfig).
finally other directories to put together the whole cave 
(with their thconfigs)

different thconfigs for different tasks (pdf maps, 3d model, etc.)

some "include thconfig" with the common layouts for the surveys
and groups and cave thconfigs. 

maps hierarchies to organize the scraps, and select/unselect to 
specify what to export

makefile to make what's needed.

one could create thconfigs on the fly 
(never tried: never had the need).


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