
We're still working on our extended elevation, and have been having 
problems getting the centreline to work with extend configuration commands.

We have found a number of occasions where an "extend reverse 
stationname" command reverses one leg at that point but doesn't apply to 
any folloeing legs.  e.g. in a passage going

5 -> 6 ->
           7 ->
                8 -> 9 -> 10

extend reverse 7 gives:

5 -> 6 ->
        <- 7
      8 -> 9 -> 10

when I would expect:

       5 -> 6 ->
              <- 7
10 <- 9 <- 8

We've ended up having to add explicit extend right configuration for 
station 7, then station 8 and station 9 etc.

We've tried to pare down our survey to one example of this in the 
attached file (julagua-elev_testcase.th)

There are also several other examples where this occurs commented out.

Any chance of fixing this?


John & Hilary
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