+++ Bill Gee [2013-10-08 19:42 -0500]:
> Hi Wookey -
> It is kind of a strange situation for me.  I earn a good living as a software 
> packager for Windows applications.  I can turn MSI files inside-out.  But 
> RPMs??  I have no clue where to even start!

Right well, maybe you can help with the windows packaging (although we do it 
using Linux tools). 

> Of course, if I were to take on RPM packaging, I still have to get Therion to 
> compile.
> Fedora 17 is over a year old.  They are up to 19, and I expect to see 20 
> before the end of the year.  Still, it's not THAT old.
> On that subject - Fedora package names are quite different from Debian. 

Yes, that's often the case. There is a different set of conventions. 

> I ran 
> some queries on my system to see what is installed.  Here is what it shows.  
> I 
> think this covers everything you mentioned.
> ================
> [bgee at main2 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i wx
> wxGTK-devel-2.8.12-4.fc17.x86_64
> wxPython-
> wxBase-2.8.12-4.fc17.x86_64
> wxGTK-2.8.12-4.fc17.x86_64
> wxGTK-media-2.8.12-4.fc17.x86_64
> wxGTK-gl-2.8.12-4.fc17.x86_64
> [bgee at main2 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i mesa
> mesa-libGL-devel-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libOSMesa-devel-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libglapi-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libxatracker-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libOSMesa-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-dri-filesystem-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libGLU-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-dri-drivers-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libgbm-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libEGL-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libGLU-devel-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libGLES-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> mesa-libGL-8.0.4-1.fc17.x86_64
> [bgee at main2 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i freetype
> freetype-2.4.8-4.fc17.x86_64
> freetype-2.4.8-4.fc17.i686
> freetype-devel-2.4.8-4.fc17.x86_64
> [bgee at main2 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i vtk
> vtk-tcl-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> vtk-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> vtk-python-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> vtk-devel-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> vtk-qt-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> vtk-java-5.8.0-6.fc17.x86_64
> [bgee at main2 ~]$ 
> =====================
> I assume xTherion needs vtk 

No. Loch needs vtk and wx

xtherion needs tcl and tk

....  If vtk were the problem, then I would expect 
> the Therion compiles to fail too.  It runs through xTherion without error.  
> It 
> only fails when it gets to Loch.  

Exactly. Look at the difference between the top-level Makefile and the 

You can see a working (debian) build-log here, which might help: 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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