On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 05:53:16PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> Thanks to Olly for getting things to actually work, Therion (using
> wx-widgets3.0 and vtk6) is now back in Debian ready for the next stable
> release early in 2015.

I already sent the patch for vtk6 support.

Here's a patch which updates therion's use of wxGLCanvas, etc to the
revised API (this one works with wx 2.8 too):


There's a second patch which more directly addresses wx 3.0
compatibility.  I haven't checked this wx 2.8, but I think most of
it should be fine, perhaps all:


It would be good to see some of these patches merged back in.  If
there's a way I can present them more helpfully, let me know.

Have you considering having a public code repo?  That would make
it easier to send patches which apply to the latest unreleased
version of the code.


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