
I'm currently fighting with extended elevations in Therion. Before I
start posting a whole lot of stupid questions, I'll start with
clarifying what the right way to do this is.

The cave isn't huge (3.5 km), but is relatively complex with multiple
interconnected loops. The data is in survex format

When I've draw plans in therion, I've successfully used survex's 3d
file. I'd like to do the same for my extended elevation. I'm not sure
which of the following is the correct way to go (I run into problems
each way!):

1. read in the original .3d file for the cave (the same one I use to
draw the plan), and then choose where to break loops (and extend legs
to the right or left) in my .th file as documented
http://therion.speleo.sk/samples.doc/25.html. For example:

import ../../../all.3d -surveys use
survey 107
   extend ignore  oldrift.17 oldroute2.17
   extend left ent.13
   extend right ent.16
 input 107ee_ropeless.th2

2. use survex's extend command
(http://survex.com/docs/manual/extend.htm) to create an extended 3d
file, but control the extend right/left in the .th file as above. I
guess I'll need to control breaking of loops in survex via the .spec
file, otherwise survex will choose where to break the loops for me.
This is roughly what the mailing list suggests is the correct answer
(though I note breaking of loops is not mentioned):
and is the approach I took with mixed success a couple of years ago. I
did manage to generate an elevation without needing to break any loops
(either with "extend ignore" in therion or "*break" in survex):
http://expo.survex.com/expofiles/surveys/107/107-elv-2013.pdf but
we've since then found more cave and closed more loops, and it doesn't
work on the new data set, which is what started me fighting and made
me wonder if I was doing this the right way.

3. use survex's extend command with the .spec file to create a 3d file
to control the breaking of loops and which direction to extend (left
or right). Don't do any "extend ignore" or "extend right" in the .th2

Who has successfully drawn extended elevations using survex data?
Which approach did you take? Are there any clever tricks, or things I
might be missing?


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