Hi Bill,

Sorry its taken so long to reply to this.

The build of Loch from the copr repository works for me on my fedora 30
workstation, so I'm guessing that there is an incompatibility with some
libraries on your laptop and desktop. You say that Loch "no longer works",
so presumably it used to work? Do you know vaguely when it stopped working?
Note that the build of Loch in the copr repository hasn't changed since the
therion 5.4.4 build on the 1st of May, so if Loch was working after that
date, and isnt working now then it would point to an external library

Your error message points to a problem within the lxR2P.c file (
https://github.com/therion/therion/blob/master/loch/lxR2P.c) which would
suggest that the mesa-libGL package might be causing this issue. I've got
version 19.0.8-1 installed here, which was built on the 26th June (see
https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=184), but the
Loch copr package would have been originally built against 19.0.3-1 . Does
that help? (The mesa changelogs from https://www.mesa3d.org/ don't help me
very much!).


On Wed, 26 Jun 2019 at 17:09, Bill Gee <b...@campercaver.net> wrote:

> Hello everyone -
> I just noticed that Loch no longer works on Fedora 30. I use the version
> that is packaged by JM Begley.
> Launching from a KDE menu spins an hourglass for about 2 seconds and then
> goes away. When launched from a command shell, the only output is "Error:
> glXCreateContext failed".
> This happens on both my laptop and desktop, which have two different
> display drivers. It also happens on a VirtualBox guest.
> Is there a way to get a more detailed log file?
> Thanks!
> --
> Bill Gee
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