Hi Bill,

> 6. 9. 2019 v 17:41, Bill Gee <b...@campercaver.net>:
> Thanks!  This is much better, but still not what I want.  I don't want the 
> profile to fold back on itself at all.  I want one continuous profile 
> extending from OC5a on the left to G14 on the right.  Is that possible?

I’m not sure if this is possible without using another centreline file where 
the loop will be not closed. So for map you should have data with loops and for 
extended profile without loops. 

> If I draw them as "projection none", then two questions come up.  First, if I 
> put survey stations in the scrap will they be used to scale the drawing?  
> Second, can two (or more) such scraps be joined?

I don’t know this is possible. Projection none is for sections only.  

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