Hello, is there anything new on this?
Should i file a bug on the therion git project, or is this already fixed in 
upstream and i have to just wait for a new debian package build?

> Am 16.09.2019 um 07:49 schrieb Martin Budaj <m.bu...@gmail.com>:
> Build-time, just for therion. It's used to parse the definitions of CSs from 
> the Proj database.
> M.
>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019, 01:16 Olly Betts <o...@survex.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 09:45:23PM +0200, Martin Budaj wrote:
>> > @Olly, Wookey: While investigating this issue I noticed that a dependency
>> > on libsqlite3-tcl should be added in Debian if Proj library version 6 is
>> > used.
>> What sort of dependency?  Build-time, run-time, both?
>> And if run-time, what exactly needs it?  There's a separate binary
>> package for loch (therion-viewer).
>> Cheers,
>>     Olly
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