
I am using therion (5.4.4 latest stable build for windows) in a following

1. Make triangulation-like survey with/without Geo fix.
2. Place 'visually-identifiable' markers exactly on a survey stations done
on step 1.
3. Do a photogrammetric scanning, making photos in the way markers are
clearly visible on obtained images.
4. Use a photogrammetry software to do a 3d reconstruction with a GCP fix,
using markers from step 2 as ground control points.

To obtain GCP coordinates I use therion-produced database output, with a
sample line from .thconfig file
"export database -o 350.sql"

Produced .sql - file contains at its end series of SQL commands like
"insert into STATION values (9, '1', 33, 732175.84, 4728436.27, 2292.57);"
for UTM-fixed survey
"insert into STATION values (9, '1', 33, 41.99, 8.51, 33.04);" for non-geo
fixed survey.

It is clearly seen that last 3 values are either UTM or local X, Y, Z
Both types of outputs are acceptable for my workflows, but
the values produced with something like "%.2f" - 'printf' function
parameter, or contain only 2 decimal digits after comma.

Is there any way to control such behavior, without patching the therion
source code, and get for example 3 digits after comma for database outputs?

Workaround here is to produce .kml and then project it to desired
coordinate system, but
this requires a lot more work than simple dealing with .sql files.

Both .sql files are attached

Attachment: 350.sql
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 350_local.sql
Description: Binary data

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