
I have noticed something that I am not sure if it's a bug or not. I am
trying to export a selected bit of a survey as a loch file:

source "data/system_migovec.th"
select vrtnarija_vilinska@system_migovec
export model -o outputs/vrtnarija.lox

This seems to correctly export the centerline only for "vrtnarija_vilinska"
but if I turn on the walls in loch then other bits of the survey are shown.

Centerline correct:
[image: image.png]
With walls there are other bits of passage shown:
[image: image.png]

These seem to correspond to bits of passage that have splays and LRUD data
so it seems like those aren't correctly filtered out using the "select".

therion 5.5.6 (2020-12-27)
  - using Proj 6.3.1, compiled against 6.3.1

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