Hi folks,

A question relating to TEX.

Previously, I used to use this:
thTEX("\thframed {" & textsize & plaintext & "}")
Where textsize was something like \thnormalsize
This worked until recently. But now (Therion 6?) it returns nothing.
After some trial and error (and looking through the -d output), I
managed to make it work again like this:
thTEX("\thframed {" & textsize & " \thfb " & plaintext & "}")

But I have no idea why that works, and was hoping someone could explain
to me:
1. What is \thfb ?
2. Why does it need that, and not a space?
3. How come it works without the whitespace, when plaintext could be
anything, and that could construct a btex like:
\thframed {\thnormalsize\thfbfoo}
I would have expected \thfbfoo to be a command, but it seems to know
that it is "\thfb" and "foo", not a single command.
4. Is there a better way to construct a btex "string" that can be used
to create a p_label.urt piece of text that can work with the
p_label_mode_passageheight style?

For reference, this is what Therion itself creates:
p_label(btex \thframed {\thsmallsize \thfb\char54 \mainfont{}}

Stabbing in the dark here, and cannot find any explanations.


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