Hi Mykyta,

Well bother. That lines up with when I added the "convert all eligible poly lines to curves" and it was accepted in version 6.1.4. I'm reviewing the code and I found the issue.

(I think I know where the issue came from -- I was trying to figure out how to delay the gui updates till all the processing was done; but I couldn't get that part and reverted my development code base. I overlooked that I had changed the variable from mandatory to optional as a cleaner implementation and caused this issue. My apologies for the inconvenience and time loss caused by my silly mistake.)


In the new version, I updated xth_me_cmds_line_poly2bezier to accept an id as an argument.

Version 6.1.3:  proc xth_me_cmds_line_poly2bezier {} {
Version 6.1.4:  proc xth_me_cmds_line_poly2bezier {id} {

However, it should have been an optional parameter, not a mandatory one (default value set). I believe the following is the correct code, but I don't use tcl much at all and this is by memory.

proc xth_me_cmds_line_poly2bezier {{id ""}} {

I removed everything from my computer. I'll get on it ASAP to test/submit the correction, but I fly out to Israel for an expedition in just a few days. I'll do my best to have it done before leaving. :(

Mark Dickey

On 2/21/2023 11:43 PM, Mykyta Kozlov wrote:
Looks like converting polylines to beziers in Xtherion stopped working correctly starting from version 6.1.4.

With 6.1.3 all works ok.

Screenshots attached.

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