Hello Jonny,
Thanks for the hint! 
I’ve tried to open few old models which were surely working and half of them 
did not show any map texture.
Trying to open the same models on other computer proved that they all work fine.
There must be something wrong with graphics on my laptop.  Will try updating 
drivers etc.
>Суббота, 13 января 2024, 18:36 UTC от Jonny Prouty <jonathanpro...@gmail.com>:
>Hello Andrey,
>Are you able to see _any_ bitmap overlays in other loch models? I had an issue 
>long ago where an issue with my video card caused textures to load incorrectly 
>or not at all. 
>Also, in the scene settings options in loch, do you have it set to actually 
>show the bitmap overlay?
>On Fri, Jan 12, 2024, 5:22PM Andrey via Therion < therion@speleo.sk > wrote:
>>Dear Therion users,
>>I am struggling to make a 3D model with terrain overlaid by a raster map.
>>Everything is done according to the Thbook however  Loch is only showing me a 
>>semi-transparent grid without any map overlay.   
>>Here is what I put into my Surface.th file:
>>cs epsg:32637 #UTM zone 37N Datum WGS84
>>bitmap Khipsta_DEM_utm.jpg [0 0 634154.048728 4787812.294106 13345 10428 
>>642161.048728 4794069.094106] # 0 0 - SW corner
>>grid-units meter
>>grid 634148.414 4787799.503 10 10 803 628  # x lower leftt, y lower left SW
>>1088.598 1088.548 1088.4978 1088.4384 1088.3688 1089.3929 1090.4301 1091.0236 
>>1089.8979 1088.7723 1087.3954 1085.6592 1083.9077 1080.9875 1077.3958 
>>1073.8142 1065.2386 1055.7455 1046.4127 1039.4907 1032.5994 1025.662 1018.52 
>>1011.3781 1004.0082 996.3887 988.7744 982.0675 975.7867 969…….
>>The corner point coords for the image:
>>  File "Khipsta_DEM_utm.jpg"
>>  Type "RASTER"
>>  (634154.048728, 4794069.094106) (0, 0) Label "NW",
>>  (634154.048728, 4787812.294106) (0, 10428) Label "SW",
>>  (642161.048728, 4794069.094106) (13345, 0) Label "NE",
>>  (642161.048728, 4787812.294106) (13345, 10428) Label "SE"
>>  CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 104, "m", 39, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0
>>  Units "m"
>>If I comment ‘bitmap’ line the .lox file will be a lot smaller and vice versa 
>>if uncommented so I assume that overlay is being written into .lox
>>Could this be due to the .jpg file size which is 10.5Mb?  
>>I was able to make 3D models with terrain overlay in the past but image size 
>>was under 10Mb.
>>Many thanks,
>>Kind regards,
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