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On 9/19/2005 8:56 AM, Javier Aravena wrote:
> I don't think gtk will be gnome toolkit before topaz (or the same,
> before it hits 3.0), I think people will have no trouble working in gtk2
> (as in gimp toolkit 2) once that happens. Remember Gnome won't break
> backwards-compatibility before topaz (I believe that's the only reason
> bonobo is still bonobo and no something more like kparts).

This really has nothing to do with backwards-compatibility.  Benny's
gripe is the possibility that the gtk/gnome folks will cram so much crap
into GTK, that it'll be useless as a general-purpose widget toolkit, and
will have too many gnome-specific things in it.

Regardless of the "when" of this, it's something to worry about for the
future.  Perhaps we should write our own widget toolkit for Xfce.  (Yes,
I'm kidding.  That's a monumental task.)


> 2005/9/19, Benedikt Meurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     I should make clear, that this is - of course - my POV. Others may (and
>     will) have a different view on these issues.
>     And to forestall the next question: Yes, I know about Project Ridley.
>     This is indeed a chance for GTK, but it's not garantied that GTK will
>     benefit from it. There's also a good chance that GTK will become the
>     "GNOME Tool Kit", which will render it useless for many projects (most
>     probably including Xfce and Thunar).
>     Benedikt
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