I am just a user not a programmer of software based on GTK+ but I feel very sorry if GTK+ is on the track like what you guys expressed in this thread. I like GTK a lot as I always prefer C over bloated (somehow) C++ language. And GTK did very neat work too. I would think that many other people like GTK+ as me too.

If too much company interests are played in it, then eventually it will be forked, just like Xorg forking out of XFree86. It's painful but it's still good direction, towards the goal to build software strong, and flexible.
XFCE and Thunar will still be using the forked GTK+ then. :)


On 9/28/05, Biju Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Biju Chacko wrote:
>>>Benedikt, any time you and/or any one else wants to make the jump to QT4
>>>I will gladly follow... and take my skills with me. I agree with
>>>everything you have said on this topic. I have been fed up with
>>>GTK+/GNOME for years (and Fedora). The root of the problem as I see it
>>>is Redhat's control over both projects (the project leaders work for
>>>Redhat). This has continually stifled innovation because both projects
>>>are not independent and tend to program with Redhat blinkers on. I have
>>>continued to write my C++ library for GTK+ for several reasons. I have
>>>already spent  years on my project and it's hard to throw it all away.
>>>When I started out I thought that GTK+ needed all the help it could
>>>get... but I was wrong. It is very hard to help either GTK or GNOME
>>>programmatically. In the past my concern about moving to QT is  "What
>>>program would I write if I did"? Language bindings are out... I wouldn't
>>>know what to program. One thing I am looking forward to is the first
>>>stable release of openSUSE next week. Finally I can dump Fedora.
>>Umm, Sun and Novell have a heck of a lot more GNOME guys than we (Red
>>Hat) do.
> I agree with Jeff except that I don't think that RedHat is the only
> problem source around. RedHat had the chance to turn Gtk+ into something
> usable years ago, similar to what Trolltech did to Qt, but they missed
> the chance. Now that Sun and Novell entered the stage, chances are very
> low that either of them will do it.

I'm not very familiar with the history of GTK+, so I can't comment. I've
just noticed a new trend of depicting RH as the new M$.

Just remember the old saying, "Never attribute to malice that which can
be adequetly explained by incompetence"

RH makes as many mistakes as the next company ...

-- b
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