Yves-Alexis Perez schrieb:
> On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 00:03 +0100, Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
>>sofar schrieb:
>>>On Tue, 31 Jan 2006 23:13:03 +0100, Jannis Pohlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>>Maybe the viking should conquer the folder/file ?
>>>>That surely would look funny and cool, but that's probably beyond the
>>>>possibilities you have with such small icons (even if it's scalable, it
>>>>has too look clean when it's scaled down).
>>>not only that but the idea of a viking pillaging my filesystem and taking
>>>women and children is a bit offensive ;^)
>>Depends on how you like it. Hehe. But it's true, that sounds more like a
>>chaos-spreading virus after all.
> What about a shiny viking hugging a folder ?

A peaceful viking converted to christian belief? Never! *gri(m|n)*

- Jannis
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