I have been testing Thunar and I can only say one thing: wow, is it really an 
The DnD works fairly well. The latest changes in  svn (do not interpret line 
separators in file names and large buffer) make it even easier to use and 
The case sensitive bug was fixed in the svn release, at least I don't have any 
problems renaming files in a non-fat partition.

I have only found two issues. 
- If I have a shortcut to a mounted point: nfs share, partition...whatever, I 
can't umount it unless I close all Thunar windows or delete the shortcut in the 
sidebar. I don't think this can be filed as a bug, but only to let you know 
about it. 

- If I delete a folder the upper location toolbar (breadtrail?) does not show 
the changes. You can even change to the deleted directory and shows an error. 
It updates the changes when you change to a different tree and then you come 
For example, create /usr/local/beer ->change to /usr/local/beer and then to 
/usr/local ->Delete beer

Aside from that, will the batch renaming feature be included in the main 
release? ;)

Thanks for this awesome piece of software, keep up the great work.

Best regards,

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