For those of you who are less fortunate at reading French, here's the
incredible bad babelfish translation. Funny engrish-like but it catches the
article pretty good:

It's good to be able to read it in french tho ;^)


Newspaper: A new manager of file l?r
Post?ar LiNuCe Tuesday 14 f?ier
I know that?ne is not done but into full p?ode winter, but I have d?uvert 
r?mment a manager of file l?r enough agr?le \o/ do not make any you, it did not 
die of hypothermia since its logo seems?e a Scandinavian warrior: it acts of 
Thunar, the administrative future potential of file of the potential future 
environment Xfce 4.4. Note that there does not exist for the moment of official 
version and the currently available version is only one version alpha left 
r?mment: are my remarks thus low? on this version which is only a instantan?' a 
version in the course of d?loppement.

Then I hear you D? you to feel sorry for by traditional. What, all blank for an 
unstable software in d?loppement inachev?t? Swell of shit ouais..... But do not 
mislead you there, it is not if alpha that?et if all the applications at the 
stage alpha?ient as well finished, it would be a R? happiness! For my part, I 
have now used it?a place of Rox for two days: one frankly smells a good rigour 
and a s?euse application of the share of Benedikt Meurer, the principal 
d?loppor of Thunar.

Why Thunar whereas Xffm?

Those which know (unfortunately) Xffm, the current manager of current file of 
Xfce4, probably wonder why another manager of file for Xfce. In fact, it would 
seem that Thunar will replace Xffm in version 4.4 of Xfce bus Xffm is enough... 
hum... say "sp?al".

If I owed?e frank, direct and without set language, I would say simply who the 
ergonomics of Xffm is probably a case of?le of all that one should not make in 
the mati?. A v?table {Ho, e}rror of d?loppement! A graphic interface transg?que 
evil crois?constituant the cha?n missing between the commercial software 
package of management and the software whose interface has? r?is??' tears off 
under Glade! An interface o?out moves in all the directions, o?es zones of 
seizure appears suddenly and o?u text d?le all?ement in a bar of?t which 
suddenly and substanciellement increased for the occasion. However, as Xffm is 
a free software and than I would attract myself the lightnings of some, but 
also not to wound anybody, I cannot criticize the ergonomics of Xffm thus, also 
I would abstain from doing it.

Always it is that the many complaints and the anti-ergonomics of Xffm finally 
succeeded?a cr?ion of Thunar which will d??ra certainly Xffm, would be this 
only by the support of the sp?fications FreeDesktop of the th?s of standard 
ic?s, of association application-type MIME possibilit?' to associate it orders 
according to a reason on the file names (style "* README *" owes?e open with 
our?tor favourites?ous GVim).

Stop the blah, shows me the currency Thune Thunar

Is the graphic interface of Thunar simple and?r? The habitu?de Konqueror will 
probably say that it is not nutritive enough whereas the habitu?de Nautilus say 
that it is a kind of Nautilus?' aspartame. And as an image is worth thousands 
of words, I make you profit?oi public, of some captures of?an:

Then D?, for the moment, there is no arborescent sight, that it is in the panel 
of left or the principal zone of posting of right-hand side (as that is 
possible with Konqueror or Nautilus). On Wiki de Thunar, there is a capture 
showing the panel of left with tree structure, but I think that it is either a 
mockup, or a?que capture?' of prototyping, or a fonctionnalit?ui will be 
ajout?par the continuation (you recall, it acts of a version of d?loppement). 
Then, the trick more emb?nt?on go?(c' is tr?subjectif, but I do not doubt 
that?pourrait g?r other people), it is the double click?a Windows..(tm) to sail 
in a file or to open a file. L?ussi, version of d?loppement coughed, can -?e 
which will??luera. In any case I it esp? because?des am?caines (or Belgians, 
with the choice) tr?s?euses have d?ntr?ue the double click causes a wear twice 
faster of the mouse:)

A fonctionnalit?u' one does not see on the captures, it is the possibilit?e to 
sail by "Mouse gesture" (d?acement of the mouse). For that, you support with 
the serrated roller of the mouse (or the button under the inch for those which 
have this kind of mouse) and according to the movement which you make, you to 
sail: 1) if you d?acer the mouse to the top, Thunar goes to the file relative, 
2) if you it d?acer towards the line, it goes to the following file and 
finally, if you d?acez the mouse towards the left, it goes to the file pr?dent. 
One likes or one does not like, the fonctionnalit? the m?te of?e l?our those 
which do not want d?acer the mouse until?a bars tool and thus to minimize the 
score of their mouse-o-meter.


The d?ndances of Thunar are rather thin, the m?s that Rox?ne biblioth?e 
pr?(exo): GTK+ (> = 2.6.x), desktop-file-utils, shared-MIME-INFORMATION, 
exo.?entuellement Kid (a more modern FAM and especially, maintained) if you 
automatically wish to have a setting?our file in the event of 
cr?ion/suppression of file. For information, Thunar is?it out of C and not in 
Python (as it would seem that it was the?que case?' prototyping).

Some good tricks to?avoir

I warmly recommend to you to have Gamin because there does not exist (?' 
current hour) of means of rafra?ir the sight in progress other only while 
sailing in another file to return to the file which one wants to rafra?ir. In 
addition, although it is possible of Cr? a new file, it is not possible of Cr? 
a file in the current file. For do that, you owe Cr? an action personnalis?qui 
r?ise vulgar "a touch %D/NouveauFichier" (%D = file running here) for the?ments 
of the type "file": if you do not have the support of Kid in Thunar, you will 
not verez appara?e your NouveauFichier. In short, to install Kid, it does not 
have anything to?oir with the pr?mbriesque FAM (Kid supports the polling, 
INotify and DNotify as a native, without patcher though it is, in any case 
under Linux).

For the famous one "To open a terminal" in the file running, it will be enough 
for you to Cr? a personnalis?associ?aux action files which r?ise a "xfterm %D".

If your distribution uses the file /opt/kde to install KDE, you will have to 
initialize variable XDG_DATA_DIRS?/usr/share:/opt/kde/share "so that 
associations application-type MIME of software KDE is taken into account.

For HT? from ic?, Does Thunar use the value of HT? from ic? GTK+ such as him 
pr?nte the XSettings manager in the course of ex?tion. If you?s under Xfce, not 
of probl?, does the program xfce-mcs-manager act as manager XSettings and you 
can change HT? from ic? since the panel Xfce (xfce-settings-show) in the 
heading User interfaceuser interface > Ic?. If you?s under GNOME, 
gnome-settings-daemon acts as XSettings manager and all will be well: you will 
be able to change HT? from ic? of Thunar since Pr?rences > Th?s > Ic?s. On the 
other hand, if you use neither Xfce nor GNOME, it will be necessary to use one 
of their XSettings manager to initialize HT? from ic? Will GTK+, without what 
Thunar show the m? ic? gray and horrible for all the files and file (it acts 
from famous the ic? "by d?ut" of?que GMC?' of GNOME 1.x).

For you, My Fr? !

Good as I am south, the family it is important, and precisely I will spin 
you?oi, Fr? Slacker, of beautiful SlackBuild quite clean to make parcellings 
n?ssaires of Thunar under Linux Slackware 10.2. In fact, Thunar is installed on 
Linux Slackware 10.2 for little that there is exo install?mais it will miss 
some fonctionnalit?int?ssantes if you do not install following parcellings in 
the order o?e quote them:

- exo:
- desktop-file-utils:
- hicolor-icon-theme:
- kid:
- thunar:

Lastly, some th?s will have you to be installed ic?s GTK+ which you will find 
http://sur they are files ICON-*.tar.{gz, bz2} that you will 
need d?mpresser in ~/.icons to have others th?s of ic? GTK+ what Rodent (the 
only one which that is to say provides under Linux Slackware 10.2, and still, 
only if the parcelling of Xfce is install?

The word of the hunger

Is Thunar D? tr?bien and no doubt that it will be a s?eux competitor?ox, whose 
black spot for much is this bo? of horrible dialogue of d?acement/copie of file 
which makes d?ler three tons of text large?itess V l?u Thunar provides 
beautiful a bo? of dialogue with bar of progression. M? if this version alpha 
is superb (?ar this dark and sad history of double click), it delays me D? to 
have the premi? official version of Thunar?e to put under the tooth!

Miam miam!

> To read the newspaper. (36 comments, average: 2.8).

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