Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 23:55 +0200, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
>>> Sure. Thunar B1 .desktop is an example. I also noticed (but it
>> requires
>>> more testing) that clicking on another label (!Launcher) and then
>> moving
>>> to Launcher with cursors doesn't seem to make it crash. Maybe it's a
>> gtk
>>> problem?
>> Only the dialog closes, right? This does not crash Thunar? Can you
>> reproduce it with xfdesktop? 
> With the patch you pointed me to, I can right clic on the Thunar.desktop
> (on /usr/share/applications), go to properties, clicking on launcher.
> Everything work. 
> Thunar 0.3.0beta1 + patch you provided.

As I said in a previous email, this works for me (in svn trunk) as long
as I haven't got write permissions to the .desktop file. So the root
owned files under /usr don't exhibit the bug for me. Try copying the
file somewhere (so that you get ownership and write permissions) and
then checking the launcher tab in the properties dialog.

- Jari
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