Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Jens Luedicke wrote:
>> Heya,
>> I made a dcraw thumbnailer for RAW image files:
>> Tested with *.cr2 files (image/x-canon-crw).
> Nice. Something for thunar-thumbnailers, Erlend?
Thanks Jens - I've added it to SVN. Dcraw claims to be able to produce 
thumbnails of all camera raw images... I've added all the mimetypes for 
the different formats apart from Adobe's DNG, Sony's arw, and Sigma's 
x3f (because I don't know those mimetypes). This needs testing, so could 
anybody with any digital camera that supports Raw please try the 
thumbnailer? I'm also curious as to how long it takes?

There is a postscript thumnailer in there too now. This is a tad slow 
(worst is 3 seconds per file), and I don't see that being a fixable 
problem - it's just the way postscript is stored. I was thinking about a 
couple of things in relation to this. It might be an idea to give 
thumbnailers a priority in the .desktop files - keep the slowest ones 
until last, and to give a way out if there is ever a conflict between 
two thumbnailers wanting to do the same mimetype (i.e. choose the 
fastest one which has all of TryExec satisfied)?

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