On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 19:37:34 +0200
"Nick Schermer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2007/6/25, Shawn Zier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Yes. I knew about the right-click --> properties method. I want to be able 
> > to see the metadata in a list view for sorting reasons. I'm pretty sure you 
> > are right and there is no way, currently, to do this. I could probably use 
> > a good stand-alone photo manager, but it would be really nice if I could 
> > see this info directly in the file manager. Could I request this feature 
> > somewhere? If not, I would like to work on implementing it myself.
> Currently you can only extend the properties-, preferences-dialog,
> renamer and the menus. The API for plugins will probably be extended
> towards v1.0 and/or 2.0, but Benedikt can answer that question better
> then I do.
> I don't think it's preferred to implement this in the Thunar(-vfs)
> code, but wait until it's possible to extend this using the thunarx
> api and integrate this in the thunar-apr plugin (or a separate one to
> improve image handing).
> You can always add a feature request in the Xfce bugzilla (bugzilla.xfce.org).
> Nick
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Thank you for your response. I will file that feature request on Bugzilla. 
Please let me know if there is any way I can help. I am not the greatest 
programmer, like I've said before, but, I am a very thorough troubleshooter 
because it's part of my job. I can scan through code and follow the logic, but 
to write something from scratch is difficult for me. I would be willing to run 
test builds and so forth to test new features. I am still very much a linux 
noob (running linux for about a year now), so please excuse me if I ask dumb 

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