David Berg wrote:
> I recently switched to Xfce and one of the first things I tried to
> change was location of the "Desktop" directory.  I was not able to
> find any configuration settings that would allow me to do that.  There
> are a number of posts to the form asking the same question.  All
> without an answer.
> So I downloaded the code and poked around a liltle.  If my rusty
> knowledge of C from college led me in the right direction the
> directory location is hard coded into Thunar.  Is that right?  If so,
> has there been any discussion of making this configurable?  If not,
> how can I change it?

No, you want xfdesktop/src/xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.c.  I had planned 
to support making this configurable for 4.6 (via the xdg-user-dirs 
spec), but never had the time.

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