#5745: Saving HABTM relationship deletes wrong data if there is no primary key 
join table
    Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                |          
Type:  Optimization
      Status:  new                                          |      Priority:  
   Milestone:                                               |     Component:  
     Version:  RC3                                          |      Severity:  
    Keywords:  habtm hasandbelongstomany delete model save  |   Php_version:  
PHP 5       
Cake_version: RC3                               |  
 I guess this should also be titled "Join tables shouldn't need a primary

 By not reading the docs closely enough, I setup my habtm like this:
 table organisations_sites
   organisation_id references organisations.id
   site_id references sites.id

 class Organisation {
   var $habtm = array("Site");

 class Site {
   var $habtm = array("Organisation");
 I have the following data in organisations_sites


 Seems right enough.  However, when I go to save a "Site" with ID "21", the
 following SQL is generated (trimmed for brevity):
 DELETE FROM organisations_sites WHERE organisation_id = 1
 INSERT INTO organisations_sites VALUES (1, 21);
 This is bad, it deletes rows from my join table that apply to other sites.
 What I expected was for this to occur instead:
 DELETE FROM organisations_sites WHERE site_id = 21
 INSERT INTO organisations_sites VALUES (1, 21)
 I read through cake/lib/model/model.php a bit, and it looks like the
 missing step is in "deleteAll"
 Line 1680:      return $db->delete($this, array($this->alias . '.' .
 $this->primaryKey => $ids));
 where $this is "OrganisationsSites".

 It looks like somehow, "primaryKey" is getting the "organisation_id"
 column, even though my table has no primary key, and there is none defined
 in the model.

 The fix is to simply add a "id integer primary key" column to the table in
 the database, but perhaps the deleteAll method could be a little more
 picky about the situation and not go deleting all my data when I make this
 kind of mistake?

 At a minimum, I would've expected it to delete by the key "site_id" which
 referred to the table of the Model object that I was actually saving.
 Someone with more Cake-foo than me would need to make that change however,
 I suspect there are quite a few implications to changing that.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/5745>
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