#6113: Acl->allow fails on MSSQL
    Reporter:  c_schmitz                  |          Type:  Bug    
      Status:  new                        |      Priority:  High   
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                    |     Component:  General
     Version:  1.2 Final                  |      Severity:  Major  
    Keywords:  mssql ARO allow c_schmitz  |   Php_version:  PHP 5  
Cake_version:                             |  
 Using CakePHP version: cake_1.2.1 build 8004

 The following code is executed in my application using a MSSQL

 The exact same code works like a charm with MySQL!

 $this->Acl->allow('User::'.$user_id, 'sBasic::'.$survey_id);

 Both ARO and ACO exist, of course.
 Executing the command above leads to the following SQL on MSSQL

 Query: INSERT INTO [aros_acos] ([_create], [_read], [_update], [_delete],
 [created], [modified], [aco_id], [aro_id]) VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '1',
 '1', '1', 11, 11)

 ...which is obviously wrong since '1' is not a valid value for the date
 fields [modified] or [created] field.

 Unfortunately I am not very good with CakePHP inner workings so I cannot
 provide a fix, but this bug is a blocker since it renders the complete ACL
 useless on MSSQL.
 Please help![[BR]]


 Thank you very much for this otherwise great product!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6113>
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