#6133: Getting mod_rewrite to work for CakePHP in Subdirectory
    Reporter:  Louis       |          Type:  Enhancement       
      Status:  new         |      Priority:  Medium            
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x     |     Component:  Routing/Dispatcher
     Version:  1.2 Final   |      Severity:  Normal            
    Keywords:              |   Php_version:  PHP 4 >= 4.3.2    
Cake_version:  |  
 Hello all,

 I'm trying to set up a default installation of CakePHP in a subdirectory
 (by username) on a shared host where I've no access or control to server
 logs. It has been hit-or-miss so far, but I've greatly appreciated the
 Apache documentation. Setting up the paths inside the webroot directory
 was simple, and while I can then use /index.php/ format URLs, I would much
 prefer using mod_rewrite to eliminate the index.php entirely.

 I kept getting 500 errors until I finally read the documentation on
 mod_rewrite with a fine-toothed comb. Here's what I discovered:

   Note: Never forget that Pattern is applied to a complete URL in per-
 server configuration files. '''But in per-directory configuration files,
 the per-directory prefix (which always is the same for a specific
 directory!) is automatically removed for the pattern matching and
 automatically added after the substitution has been done.''' This feature
 is essential for many sorts of rewriting, because without this prefix
 stripping you have to match the parent directory which is not always
   There is one exception: If a substitution string starts with http://
 then the directory prefix will not be added and an external redirect or
 proxy throughput (if flag P is used!) is forced!

   Note: To enable the rewriting engine for per-directory configuration
 files you need to set ``RewriteEngine On'' in these files '''and ``Options
 FollowSymLinks'' must be enabled'''. If your administrator has disabled
 override of FollowSymLinks for a user's directory, then you cannot use the
 rewriting engine. This restriction is needed for security reasons.

 The parts in bold are what I really have to highlight here as important
 and ideally, taken into consideration within CakePHP. What fixed the
 mod_rewrite perfectly for me was to add '''Options +FollowSymLinks'''
 above '''RewriteEngine on'''. The trick to know if you need the above
 '''Options''' line? Comment out everything except '''RewriteEngine'''.
 Then change it to '''off'''. Your site should load. Change it to '''on'''.
 You've a 500 error! Add the '''Options''' line, with '''Engine on'''.
 Poof, no more 500!

 So now I've everything working -- except -- the URL string is not being
 processed by CakePHP correctly. Why? As noted in the above quotation from
 the Apache 1x docs, in subdirectory rewriting, the subdirectory is
 AUTOMATICALLY added to the $1 in url=$1. Which means that when it is
 interpreted by CakePHP, Cake has to know that the first part is the
 subdirectory. This can be done by comparison, automatically, however my
 directory is actually ~username, which can also be interpreted as
 %7Eusername, and so could fail if that isn't taken into account. (Assuming
 this is the current behavior, as what I'm seeing now when loading / is
 Missing Controller: '%7EusernameController' unless I type /index or

 Edit: Forget the last paragraph. I just now tried typing something like
 /~username/home and it gave a 500 error. I then added to the .htaccess,
 '''RewriteBase /~username''' and now going to /~username/home says, Error:
 HomeController could not be found. So now my only problem is the default /
 as it still says %7EusernameController. How can I get that to work like
 going directly to index.php or '''index.php?url=/'''?

 I just tried playing with .htaccess for the last half hour, and nothing
 seems to work from there to fix this / problem.

 So I resorted to the following in app/config/routes.php:

   Router::connect('%7Eusername/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action'
 => 'display', 'home'));
   Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' =>
 'display', 'home'));

 And now it all works, though it feels a little hack-ish.

 In closing, here's my .htaccess file that seems to work perfectly, except
 for the / issue:

 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     Options +FollowSymLinks
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteBase /~username
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
         RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

 Oh and I'm submitting this as an Enhancement because I really think
 deployment in a subdirectory is a use-case to consider, bit it could also
 just be a clarification for existing documentation... Having said all
 this, I love how I can set up CakePHP to have the webroot files in
 /~username/MyWebSite, the host-enforced web directory, and with a little
 permissions tooling, put the app, cake and vendor files under /~username,
 and then have it all work! Here were my modifications to webroot's
 index.php file:

         if (!defined('ROOT')) {
                 define('ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));

 Yep, just making it look one directory up was all it took after chmodding,
 and yet I feel so much safer! :-)

 For the curious, this is a website hosted at yorku.ca, where accounts are
 centrally created and managed, with aliasing. So in FTP, you upload files
 to ~/username/MyWebSite with that exact capitalization, and
 troubleshooting PHP or doing Apache configuration without logs is
 absolutely painful. On the external end, the URL is both
 yorku.ca/~username as well as yorku.ca/username, which causes a bit of
 confusion when it comes to routing, let me tell you. I think I'm probably
 the first person to even attempt to (or successfully) use mod_rewrite on
 any yorku.ca site that isn't set up by the central web team. Prior to
 this, I tried using Joomla, but even their .htaccess file neglects to
 mention Options, though it does have RewriteBase.

 Ah the joys of PHP deployment. And here I thought Rails was hard ...

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6133>
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