#6144: Console Schema generation should support "comments"
    Reporter:  euromark   |          Type:  Enhancement
      Status:  new        |      Priority:  High       
   Milestone:  1.3.x.x    |     Component:  Console    
     Version:  1.2 Final  |      Severity:  Normal     
    Keywords:             |   Php_version:  n/a        
Cake_version:             |  
 If you work with some guys using version control
 you will experience some major loss of information when using
 the console with "cake schema run update" + "cake schema generate -s"
 as the comments of both the tables themselves and the fields are not
 written into the schema_x.php

 this can be a real problem if the comment is essential for knowing what
 this field is supposed to be for (or what values it is supposed to have

 it would be really nice if the comments would be synced as well.[[BR]]

 This way less information is lost using console schema functions
 Example of a fully commented table by using "normal" sql export methods

 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `telbuch_roles_users` (
   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `role_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'if confirmed
 by any admin',
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 ) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='HABTM join table between ROLES and USERS'

 in our case both comments here would be permanently lost using the above
 way to update database

 I am not sure if other "optional" fields containing possible information
 are not synced as well - but if so, maybe they can be added as well.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6144>
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