#6155: Form Helper ignores custom prefix routes for Form->create when there are
parameters passed
    Reporter:  Kit                      |          Type:  Bug    
      Status:  new                      |      Priority:  Low    
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                  |     Component:  Helpers
     Version:  1.2 Final                |      Severity:  Minor  
    Keywords:  Form Helper URL Routing  |   Php_version:  PHP 5  
Cake_version:               |  
 Our app uses a custom prefix ("sitename") for almost all pages. We also
 use plugins for almost all app functionality.

 The error is in one plugin ("Documents"); I have a controller "views" (I
 acknowledge the break with CakePHP naming conventions; we're porting an
 old vanilla PHP app to Cake), which has an action "admin_edit" (we use
 admin routing too).

 So the URL is of the form:

 With all that junk going on  in our URLs, we tend to use the array()
 syntax for URLs.

 $html->url(array('sitename' => 'test', 'plugin' => 'documents',
 'controller' => 'views', 'action' => 'admin_edit', 70));

 Performs as expected, giving me a full URL as above (where the ID is 70).

 However, the form->create function will move the sitename prefix to a
 named URL variable at the end when the request URL contains an ID (so it
 doesn't happen in my admin_add action, or if I omit the ID). Example:


 If I pass the URL as a string, the problem doesn't occur. I can't mix
 $form->create with $html->url because then I get two /index.php/ URL parts
 (I'm running on IIS).

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6155>
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patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
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