#6211: Auth Login Redirect Forgets Query String Parameters
    Reporter:  harking                |          Type:  Bug   
      Status:  new                    |      Priority:  Medium
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                |     Component:  Auth  
     Version:  1.2 Final              |      Severity:  Normal
    Keywords:  auth get query string  |   Php_version:  n/a   
Cake_version:                         |  
 After session timeout, if a users navigates to a link that is using query
 string parameters such as
 {{{http://example.com/users/29?print=true&refer=menu}}} the Auth component
 will redirect to the login action correctly. Upon successful login, the
 user is redirected back to their original url, less the query string
 parameters: {{{http://example.com/users/29}}}.
 This is similar to bug #4750 which fixed this issue for named parameters.

 It could be argued that all query string parameters in the application
 should be redone as named parameters. The project which ran into this
 issue does not have the funds to update all of its URLs that utilize query

 I can write up a patch if the Cake is open to it.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6211>
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