#6419: When using caching componets performing redirects fail - fix provided
    Reporter:  nickfoster                      |          Type:  Bug   
      Status:  new                             |      Priority:  Medium
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                         |     Component:  Cache 
     Version:  1.2 Final                       |      Severity:  Normal
    Keywords:  cache, redirect, command order  |   Php_version:  PHP 5 
Cake_version:                      |  
 We have been developing an internal application and have discovered what
 we believe is a bug in the order of the commands output into cached
 controllers by the cache helper.


 This bug seems to be present when running an application that isn't
 located in the root of the website ie. http://www.example.com/blah/<app>


 We have developed a custom plugin (using a component) for authenticating
 against the IBM Intranet authentication mechanism, when not authenticated
 or logging out it redirects to the login page. This works fine without
 controller caching however when controller caching is switched on it
 redirects to the root ( ie. http://www.example.com/ ) of the website
 rather than to the /blah/ portion of the website ( ie.
 http://www.example.com/blah/ ).


 The issue seems to be the order that the commands are placed in to the
 cache php file by the cache Helper - cake/libs/view/helpers/cache.php. By
 moving the "Router::setRequestInfo" line (278) to line (268), above the
 "if ($useCallbacks == true) {" line the problem is resolved.


 We imagine that some of the parameters required for the redirect() to work
 within the authentication plugin were not being set correctly before this
 change was made.


 Hopefully this bug report allows you to fix the source and include the fix
 in the next release of cakephp.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6419>
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