#6432: form  helper gets confused by some validation rules
    Reporter:  q7joey      |          Type:  Bug    
      Status:  new         |      Priority:  Medium 
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x     |     Component:  Helpers
     Version:  1.2 Final   |      Severity:  Normal 
    Keywords:              |   Php_version:  PHP 5  
Cake_version:  |  
 this appears to be related to #3869.

 any field that has a validation rule and is not marked as required=>false
 will normally get the required class added to the div.  but if the rule is
 one that is configured via an array (like array(postal,null,us)) and the
 rule=> index happens to be first, then the required tag is not presented.
 this is caused because Set::countDim is used and it only looks at the
 first element by default to determine the array depth and when the form
 helper sees a depth greater than one, it assumes multiple rules and then
 the logic breaks.  if put a simple entry before the rule=> index, then the
 form helper works.

 for example:

 // does not add 'required' class
 $validate = array(
   'zip' => array(
     'rule' => array('postal',null,'us'),
     'message' => 'Invalid ZIP',

 // does add 'required' class
 $validate = array(
   'zip' => array(
     'message' => 'Invalid ZIP',
     'rule' => array('postal',null,'us'),


 the code in question is around line 142 in
 cake/libs/view/helpers/form.php.  i'm not sure of the best fix for this,
 maybe a check to see if 'rule' is set in the array?  that seems to be the
 logic being used in cake/lib/model/model.php.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6432>
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