#6465: Translate behavior lacks of settings
    Reporter:  sky_l3ppard                     |          Type:  Enhancement
      Status:  new                             |      Priority:  Medium     
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                         |     Component:  Behaviors  
     Version:  1.2 Final                       |      Severity:  Normal     
    Keywords:  translate behavior enhancement  |   Php_version:  PHP 5      
Cake_version:                      |  
 I had a case where i needed to attach Translate behavior to the Aco model
 to make action translations for the permission management system. The
 problem is that then editing translatable record, it overwrites original
 field value to the new translation.

 == new Setting: 1 ==
 There should be a boolean option rather to overwrite original translation
 or not.

 == new Setting: 2 ==
 There should be an option to set the list of locales to generate default
 translations for them. Because at the moment if translation is not
 available it will not show any record. Building a cms based site these
 options are important.

 == Conclusion ==
 More settings more usability guys

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6465>
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