#6469: [PATCH] Model should provide default form validation errors based on
validation rule
    Reporter:  mikesmullin  |          Type:  Enhancement
      Status:  new          |      Priority:  Low        
   Milestone:  1.3.x.x      |     Component:  Model      
     Version:  1.2 Final    |      Severity:  Normal     
    Keywords:               |   Php_version:  n/a        
Cake_version:               |  
 The model already has everything it needs to generate these messages, and
 they can still be compatible with localization.

 The primary motivation for this new feature is that any error message
 other than "This field cannot be left blank" would be an improvement. For
 example, when 'rule' === 'phone' there are many of reasons why the value
 would not validate and only one of them is because the field was actually
 left blank. When a user attempts to provide a value such as '123-456-7890'
 this does not validate, but they are told it is because they left it
 blank. This is highly confusing--even deceptive, because in fact the value
 is not blank and there is no other helpful advice offered by the system to
 clue them in as to why it is invalid.

 Drupal FAPI does this to a small degree, but here in my patch (see
 attached) I have taken it a step further since CakePHP core defines at
 least 26 form validation rules, which empowers us to be much more specific
 as to why a field would not be validating.

 In my examples you'll see I deliberately opted to be terse in my improved
 messages, but bear in mind these could be as specific as we want them to
 be. The more specific the better, probably, but I avoided that because of
 the way CakePHP FormHelper renders the error messages at this time.
 Appending them to the field is not my preference; I am used to Drupal
 outputting these at the top of the page, which allows me much more space
 to explain what is wrong with each field. But that can be another ticket.

 Hope this helps!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6469>
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