I suggest installing and trying out CheckboxPlugin from TiddlyTools.com

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 4:22 PM, bricklemacho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just discovered Monkey GTD, great work, thanks it is just what I have
> needed.   Anyway 3 days into it all this TW stuff so I have been
> funbling through the mcros, scripts, plugin  etc.     I really wanted
> a simple checklist functionality and have "hacked" a solution.  This
> is my first attempt and modifying/extending macros so please be
> gentle.   Hopefully I have the jargon correct and my questions make
> sense.
> I am trying to use existing Monkey GTD macros in a naive attempt to
> maintain look and feel.  Perhaps extend some existing macros.
> Anyway, I have a couple of issues but the one I am most interested in
> is  when creating a new tiddler using Monkey GTD macros is there a way
> to automatically add a macro as content in the body of the tiddler?
> I may have gone about this the wrong way, initially I was trying to
> use a template but could not see how to do what wanted.  I have
> googled this group, the web, and used the search function with Monkey
> GTD but it appears my search skills are lacking hence I am resorting
> to this post.   Some pointers in the right direciton should suffice,
> perhaps even some example.    Apologies for the long post, I wanted to
> provide sufficient context to my problem.
> I am running MonkeyGTD 3.0 alpha r823143 being served from a local
> installation of minitiddlyserver .  I have read various threads on
> checklist within this group and the blog at:
> [[http://monkeygtd.blogspot.com/2007/02/on-checklists.html]]
> but I still really wanted to be able click a checkbox.
> Having a look through the various MGTD systemConfig tagged tiddelrs I
> noticed the mgtdList was fairly flexible.  I also noticed that the
> Project, Actions had checkboxes (as well as other stuff) I figured all
> I need was a way to a list item rendered with a simple checkbox.
> Down the rabbit hole I go.....
> I really wanted to use Monkey GTD  macros to keep the creation process
> of new tiddlers similar to other tiddlers and for future it  may be
> easier for my new tiddler to be tagged with appropriate realm/project/
> action.
> I discovered the macro mgtdList was able to list tiddlers based on
> tags.  I was able to set up a crude dashboard for checklists which
> allows the creation of a new "checklist" (importing the realm).   Then
> for each checklist tiddler I am able to add checklist item tiddlers.
> The checklist dashboard is created using the following macro:
> <<mgtdList  title:Checklist tag:Checklist startTag:Checklist
> view:plain mode:global gView:bold newButtonTags:'Checklist' >>
> It appears that "newButtonTags" parameter will create a button on the
> Checklist Dashboard tiddler  to create a new tiddler, tagged as
> "Checklist".  This means the newly created tiddler will appear in
> Checklist Dashboard (just as I wanted).     In this new Checklist
> tiddler I paste the following code (It would be nice to work out how
> to have this automatically addded to body/content of a tiddler which
> is what I am trying to solve)
> <<mgtdList title:'Items'  view:checkbox mode:local newButtonTags:item
> >>
> Based on my reading of the code in mgtdList, "!startTag" and "tagMode !
> = global" the new tiddler will be tagged with the current tiddler
> title.   The mgtdList macro will list tiddlers tagged as the same name
> as the current tiddler.  This is good as it make the checklist items
> sort-of unique to each checklist allowing you to have multiple
> checklists generated/created (hacked into) using mGTD existing macros.
> So I need to add a render method that only provided simple check
> boxes.  I created a MyLocalMods tiddler so as to keep
> TiddlerViewMethods in its original state, tagged my new tiddelr as
> systemConfig and modified code from TiddlerViewMethods.   The new
> render macro(?) is as follows (hopefully this gets through the sanity
> filters):
> merge(Tiddler.prototype,{
>       // Added to give the feel of a checklist item
>        render_checkbox: function() { return this.renderUtil(
>                '{{action{'+
>                '<<toggleTag Done [[%0]] ->>'+
>                ' [[%0]] '+
>                '<<deleteTiddler [[%0]]>>'+
>                '}}}',
>                [
>                        this.title
>                ]
>        );}
> });
> So I have the basic checklist functionality but need to make the
> following changes:  Now my main issue if how can I automatically
> insert the following macro in to a new checklist tiddler?
> <<mgtdList title:'Items'  view:checkbox mode:local newButtonTags:item
> >>
> Or have I gone about this the wrong way and should be creating a
> template?  I could not find/see templtes in the menus so not even sure
> if that is possible.
> Any help appreciated.
> Michael.
> --
> >


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