First post, so go easy guys.. ;-)

I've always been impressed with TW, I've been a few for years for my
own purposes, but just recently published a couple of pages, and now
I'd like to get a bit more sophisticated. I'm a programmer, but not
with these tools, yet.

I don't know if I'm missing some well-known simple syntax, or this is
something that shouldn't be done for some reason, or just a bad idea.
Whatever the case, the real problem is likely just my own ignorance.

The wall I keep running up against is that it seems intuitive to be
able just create a PrettyLink that executes a (simple) macro (I really
don't need to capture the on-line Wall Street Journal or anything).

As a minimal example, say I have a simple macro to close a (named)
tiddler. It seems that I should be able to just create a link anywhere
to execute the macro/plugin, without going through another tiddler to
do it.

I could, of course, PrettyLink to a tiddler that just contains macro
calls, and then closes itself (I've hijacked that much code), but
that's a lot of unnecessary execution overhead, and is anything but
flexible, generic or elegant.

I've read the thread here "Embedding Macros in [[ ]] to use for links
to other tiddlers" (which touches on the basic issue) a couple of
times, but that was a much more complex scenario.

Has anyone pointed out that, perhaps surprisingly, and whether by
accident or design, the syntax:

     [[Link text|<<macroName param1 param2>>]]

comes VERY close to working?

1. It renders the PrettyLink properly.
2. It doesn't execute the macro until the PrettyLink is clicked.
3. When the link is clicked, it executes the macro and even handles
the parameters correctly (the ones I've tried, anyway).


4. It then tries to open new tiddler named "<<macroName param1

The only thing I really need for what I was trying to do is eliminate,
bypass, short-circuit step 4... that's what makes me feel like I must
be missing just a special character or two somewhere...

I don't need a lot of hand-holding, if you could just point me in the
right direction, I'm willing to research and learn.

Many thanks.

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