> Strictly development-related issues should be discussed on the dev group:

I considered doing that, but frankly I hesitated because I have no
idea what many of the posts over there are about or what their norms
are, and I had a feeling that basic, not-TW-specific questions might
not be considered appropriate there either.

> Therefore, even though regular expressions are often overused, it seems
> that might be the safest choice here:
>      if(testStr.search(/^\d+$/) != -1) { ... }

It may be more stable over platforms... but I tend to resist a
character-scan approach. Once you open one up enough to allow
decimals, signs etc., it also tends to pass things like "------",
"....." and "834.234.343" which won't convert, or shouldn't, and code
to tighten a character-scan approach beyond that level tends to get
very elaborate and error-prone.

I'm not equipped (or, frankly, probably motivated) to test on a slew
of platforms. If this is getting near the edge, it might be safer for
me to rework around the limitations of parseInt() etc.


On May 23, 2:56 pm, FND <f...@gmx.net> wrote:
> N.B.:
> Strictly development-related issues should be discussed on the dev group:
>        http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev/
> > In testing a (user-entered) string to see if it's (potentially)
> > numeric, somewhat to my surprise the string methods parseInt() and
> > parseFloat() will return a number if the first part of the string
> > converts successfully, ignoring trailing non-numeric characters
> This seems odd indeed - though apparently that's how it's supposed to 
> be:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global...
> > implicit conversion seems to fail if it can't convert the entire
> > string, and can be exploited
> Note that different browsers might react differently, so you should test
> for this quirk in Firefox, IE 6-8, WebKit (Safari, Chrome) and Opera -
> not to mention mobile browsers... (Welcome to the beautiful world of web
> development.)
> Therefore, even though regular expressions are often overused, it seems
> that might be the safest choice here:
>      if(testStr.search(/^\d+$/) != -1) { ... }
> HTH.
> -- F.
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