On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 9:57 AM, RA <nameany...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I don't think I understand what you are achieving here. Can you explain a
> > little?
> >
> > Simon.
> >
> The way TagglyTaggingPlugin remembers the settings is by creating a
> tiddler for each tag or tag expression. Suppose I have a macro call
> <<tagglyTagging expr:'tool&&!excludeTaggly'>>
> The macro generates a list and a menu. If I change grouping or order
> of the list using the provided menu, I will have created a tiddler
> called
> tool&&!excludeTaggly
> I don't want to see that tiddler anywhere so I am adding excludeXxx
> tags to it after it has just been created (changecount==1). I am also
> checking that there are no tiddlers tagged by this one, because I
> don't want to hide the tiddler if it's also a tag (which would be an
> unlikely case for an expression, but very likely for a single tag,
> e.g. <<tagglyTagging tool>>). Finally, I categorize the tiddler as
> tagglyExpression, just because I like to.

That makes perfect sense. I'd semi-forgotten about that stuff and come to
think of it I don't recall hearing about anyone using the expr param

So, thanks, it's a great suggestion, I will include it the next time I'm
doing a MPTW release.

Ps, your pastebin has expired. If you have a chance, could you throw it up
there again?



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