
On May 24, 6:08 pm, Morris Gray <> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I can't seem to find what thread I read that sent me to your site
> maybe I dreamed it.  This will have to do.
> NET is a single time on its own to the exclusion of all others.

Well now... guess it's a good thing for you that I'm not quite as
zealous about promoting my own favored system exclusively, huh? ;-)

>  I
> want to use it to gather a following, to communicate using it and
> bring up our children in our own time :-)

Not sure I share that ENTIRE vision, but glad I could help.

>I have another unique idea for you when you get the present
> project done.  I'v e got a couple of other derivative uses for it.

Let me know what you have in mind any time, it might help me from
making decisions in the interim that will make that direction more
difficult later.

> One question with the <with:> call sometimes it has a place to put
> text or label like this. <<tiddler CloseThisOpen with:
> FormattingThePage  '« back' >>.I'd like to put a prefix or suffix or
> link on the same level as the clock. Can that be done?

Well, of course the clock is Eric's code, but it just takes a mask and
uses it, just as the journal title routine does, so anything included
in the submitted string that does NOT get interpreted as a time or
date mask should come through just fine. Just include the entire
string you want in single or double-quotes so it gets interpreted as
one parameter, not several, and it should work fine.

Text, that is. Links?  That's going to be pretty tricky, not seeing an
obvious way offhand.   Those here with more experience might, but I
know from playing with the degree sign options that the text output of
the Javascript is not being "wikified".

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