Hi Michael

try <<saveAs>>

In the SaveAsPlugin documentation (in the plugin tiddler itself) it


    When the command link is clicked, a system-specific dialog box
will be displayed so you can select/enter the desired target path and

    <<saveAs "label:..." "prompt:..." "filename:..." "type:..." quiet
open tagfilter>>


        * label:... (optional)
          defines alternative link text (replaces default "save as..."
        * prompt:... (optional)
          defines alternative tooltip text for 'mouseover' prompting
(replaces default hard-coded tooltip text)
        * filename:... (optional)
          specifies the default filename to be shown when asking for
an output path/file
        * type:... (optional)
          specifies a keyword indicating one of four file output
              o type:TiddlyWiki (or wiki or tw)
                a TiddlyWiki HTML document
              o type:PureStore (or store or ps)
                a TiddlyWiki "PureStore" HTML export file (just
tiddlers, no core code)
              o type:PlainText (or text or tx)
                a plain text file listing of tiddler source content
              o type:~Comma (or csv or cs)
                a CSV (comma-separate value) data/spreadsheet file
              o type:NewsFeed (or xml or rss or nf)
                an RSS NewsFeed XML file
        * quiet (optional)
          normally, when using tag filtering (see below), the number
of matching tiddlers is reported and you are asked to confirm before
saving those tiddlers to a new file. Use the quiet keyword to suppress
this confirmation step.
        * open (optional)
          Use the open keyword to auto-open the newly created document
file in a separate browser tab/window.
        * tagfilter or ask or none(optional)
          You can use the tag filter parameter to select a subset of
tiddlers to be written into the new document file. If you specify a
single tag value, then only tiddlers that are tagged with that value
are included in the resulting file. To use a combination of tag
values, you can install MatchTagsPlugin, which provides full 'boolean'
logic with AND, OR, and NOT operators, as well as nested parentheses,
to create complex expressions for filtering and selecting the desired
set of tiddlers. If you specify the keyword, ask in place of the
tagfilter, you will be prompted to enter a tag or tag expression
whenever you click on the 'save as...' command link. Alternatively,
you can specify the keyword, none in place of the tagfilter to omit
all tiddlers and create a new empty document.
        * By default, when no tag filter parameter is provided, all
tiddlers in the document are written to the new file.


    save all tiddlers:


... and there's more - Read the documentation it's very good :-)

You open SideBarOptions and write <<saveAs>> - that's it...

regards Måns Mårtensson

On Jun 25, 2:54 pm, Michael Johanson <michael.j.johan...@gmail.com>
> Hello fellas,
> I'm using the plugin SaveAsPlugin (http://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/
> #SaveAsPlugin) which puts a "save as" button in the backstage menu.
> What I would like is having that button in the right hand menu, if you
> look at an original TW and its layout:
> ----------
> close all
> permaview
> new tiddler
> new journal
> save changes
> (save as)  <------
> options >>
> ----------
> Is there a ready code for this? Else any help with getting this done
> would be much appreciated! :D
> Where and what should be changed inside the SaveAsPlugin code?
> (I'm not a great coder)
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