On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Jason wrote:

> That said I am very much tempted to jump at TW completely. But of
> course I want to be able to use everything I write down in TW also in
> the not-so-near future. So my questions are:
> * Is there anything that stands in the way  of using TW as a some kind
> of long-term (say at least ten years) knowledge database?
> * In particular does anyone have enough insight into the inner
> workings of TW to tell me whether changes in the workings of for
> example browsers or software standards (HTML of javascript) might
> threaten TW in the future.
> * Do you think TW has a large enough user base to persist for the next
> ten years?
> * Is the structure of TW content simple and universal enough that it
> can be integrated in other kinds of wikis or "knowledge databases"
> that might come up in the future?

As a physics student, Jason, you might want to check out Garrett  
Lisi's use of TiddlyWiki:

And here is a video of a Lisi presentation in which he gets into a  
conversation about TiddlyWiki with members of the audience.

And in harvesting the link to the video I discovered a link on the  
page to still another video of a talk Lisi gave explicitly on  
TiddlyWiki. It's fascinating, and I suspect you'll find it answers  
many of your questions.

I sniffed around TiddlyWiki like a coyote around a baited trap for  
probably a year or more before committing to it wholeheartedly. What  
made the difference for me was discovering the power of taggly  
tagging. With it I found I could start my thinking and note taking on  
a topic with an initial sense of the structure of the project, then  
allow it to evolve as my understanding of the topic changed as I  
worked on it. I didn't have to have a fixed, or even a very clear,  
idea of the structure in starting out.

Since then I've found a few plugins that are especially helpful to me,  
and a TiddlyWiki adaptation that had a lot of what I was looking for  
in a TiddlyWiki. That is TWT-Blackicity 
 >. [Actually, I use TWT-Blackicity-lite 

Welcome to TiddlyWiki,
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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