> So I can think of a few explanations:
> * someone in Brazil has guessed your password

If the person guessed the password, I would have seen the different
pages visited by this person.  What it looks like to me is that the
person attempted to guess the password 12 times.  Possibly, at the
12th, they guessed it though I consider that unlikely because I'm not
using an easy password like "qwerty".  I'm less concerned about the
Brazil visit because it is a one time visit and since I use an easy
domain name like "the", maybe the person mistyped something like
"thy".  The Japan one is a recurring visit and this is the one I'm
more concerned about.  If I were the evil doer, I'd visit a
tiddlyspot, download it and try it from my own computer.  Okay, now
that I said that, for this to be true, the evil doer would have to
open the tiddlywiki with notepad to strip the GA code and prevent
pings from occurring (or unplugging from the web).

> * your own visits are mistakenly being registered as coming from Brazil

Unlikely.  I would have seen it happen more than just for one day and
it wouldn't have been more than the number of times I visited.  I do
notice that my work has provided two different city names

> * Google Analytics is misconfigured somehow, counting requests from
>    other locations

I notice that "/[object object]" is in the 'pages visited' list.  I
don't know what that is.

I doubt anyone is seeing my content and now that I've moved it to
another location and have yet to see odd results in GA, I'm not so
worried.  I imagine my old domain name is just an easy one.  What
remains to be answered is why GA registers a hit.  Maybe it is just as
Jeremy says, they are just false positives.

I'm keeping the GA code active for this domain to see if anything
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