I am new at the WIKI, I understand the basic formatting, but I am
trying to understand the style, formatting and colorpalette, and I am
having difficulty getting the color palette added or set up. Can you
please help?

On Oct 10, 4:05 am, Eric Shulman <> wrote:
> I hate typing in #RGB codes to create/modify the ColorPalette slices
> definitions
> Although I know many RGBcolorcodes from memory, without being able
> to *see* the colors I am choosing, it's really hard to judge if they
> will look right, without saving the ColorPalette changes and testing
> to see the actualcolor'in situ'.  Then, if just onecoloris off by
> a little bit, you have to go back to edit the ColorPalette
> definitions, then test again, etc. until you get it the way you like.
> Well... no more.... now there's
> Just add this *transclusion* tiddler to your document and you can use
> an interactive "colorgrid" and listbox to edit the ColorPalette
> entries (and/or create new ones), without ever having to actually get
> your fingertips all stained by mixing those ugly RGB codes by
> hand! :-)
> ... and, you can even embed "<<tiddler PaletteMaker>>" in the
> ColorPalette itself.  With some minor style formatting you can show
> the ColorPalette slice definitions (e.g., "Background: #fff") *and*
> the interactivecolorgrid/list side-by-side, like this:
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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