Hi Jon,
Thank you for your feedback!
Note that you can also make search and replace in Tiddler title in the same 
If you use the latest revision, it uses relink from Flibbles (need to 
install it) which makes life much more easier!


On Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 10:35:42 AM UTC+3:30, Jon wrote:
> Hi Mohammad, 
> I've just used this to do a global find and replace in my wiki and it 
> worked perfectly.
> Great documentation as well.
> Many thanks
> Jon
> On Tuesday, 12 February 2019 15:30:53 UTC, Mohammad wrote:
>> *Follow this thread in*
>> *https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Zw3F3iRtggA/qX2uWiBJBgAJ 
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Zw3F3iRtggA/qX2uWiBJBgAJ>*
>> Announcement: Tiddler Commander
>> Date: Feb 12th, 2019
>> Status: beta (idea)
>> Demo: *https://kookma.github.io/TW-Commander/ 
>> <https://kookma.github.io/TW-Commander/>*
>> *Major update: 14th March 2019*
>> *Critical change*: Tiddler Commander search now needs two steps
>>    - Enter a filter expression in the filter search box
>>    - Click the search icon right of search box to apply the search 
>>    criteria to enable Commander batch operation1
>>    - FIXED: Search and Select tiddlers now are seated together
>>    - NEW: numberof tiddlers matches and selected are shown
>>    - New: Help tab was added
>>    - New: Clear search box will clear selected selections
>>    - New: Select none in Select tiddlers will clear selected tiddlers
>>    1. The reason is, when filter search is changed, the selected 
>>    tiddlers are still there! So, it needs to clear the previous selection on 
>>    new search criteria!
>> *Major update: 13th March 2019*
>>    - New : Inspect
>>       - View selected tiddler with their fields
>>       - Scroll in selected tiddlers
>>       - Edit selected tiddlers including all fields
>>       - Scroll in selected tiddlers while editing
>>    - Fixed: Minor issues in SNR
>>    Acknowledgement: Special thanks goes to *Ton Gerner *for his great 
>>    script on view fields.
>> *Major update: 8th March 2019*
>>    - New search-n-replace (SNR) added
>>    - SNR can search and replace not only in a single tiddler but also in 
>>    bulk of tiddlers
>>    - Several issues fixed
>>    - Logging is active for all operations
>> *Major update: 3rd March 2019*
>>    - New: selective operation
>>       - select all/ select none/ optionally select tiddlers
>>    - New: logging all operations
>>    - New: delete temporary tiddlers button added to Setting tab
>>    - New: old fields, old tags are selected from a drop down list
>>    - Text operation disabled and will be added in the next update. It is 
>>    still buggy
>> *Major update: 24th February 2019*
>>    - Search and replace 
>>       - works for changing characters, words, ...
>>       - retains formatting
>>       - cannot distiguish whole words (you need to add spaces around the 
>>       word)
>> Many thanks to BTC for his great help in this part.
>> *Major update: 22th February 2019*
>>    - Logging
>>       - Commander logs some operations
>>          - Create tiddlers
>>          - Create tiddlers using template
>>          - Delete tiddlers silently
>>          - Delet tiddlers selectively
>>       - New face
>>       - Delete tiddlers selectively has a new face
>>       - search and replace in tiddler text now supports whole word 
>>       searching
>>    - Main issues
>>       - Search and replace in tiddlers remove formatting 
>> *Major update: 21th February 2019*
>>    - Search and replace in tiddler text filed
>>       - This is in progress feature
>>       - This does not support the whole words, casesensitive search and 
>>       replace
>> *Major update: 19th February 2019*
>>    - New: add and remove chars to/from the title was added
>>    - New: add/remove chars uses a non-overwriting mechanism
>> *Major update: 18th February 2019*
>>    - Fixed: handling missing tiddlers added
>>    - New: remove chars from the title us added
>>    - Fixed: a specified height is used in ui to prevent collapsing
>>    - *bugs*
>>       - *remove chars overwrite tiddlers*
>> *Major update: 14th February 2019*
>>    - New: bulk tiddler creation using templates
>>    - New: remove fields using drop down menu
>>    - New: preset search filter added
>>    - New: save search filter added
>>    - Fixed: empty suffix/prefix does not delete tiddlers anymore
>>    - Fixed: prevent all overwriting (issue: you cannot force overwriting)
>> *Minor Update: 13th February 2019*
>>    - Fixed: remove suffix not working
>>    - New: bulk tiddler created has got new name format
>>    - New: added range and select widgets for "create bulk tiddlers"
>>    - New: added delete tiddlers at once operation
>> Referring to the discussion here: 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/BxJsWuae-Uc/JapAx4mtBgAJ
>> I have prepared a small toolkit called Tiddler Commander or in short 
>> Commander. This is a proof of concept and
>> both the name and operations can be changed.
>> I highly welcome any constructive idea and I hope get feedback from both 
>> users and developers.
>> I also welcome any collaboration as is discussed in other posts.
>> Warning: This is a beta release and is not in form of plugin! Do not 
>> import to your own wikis because of the risk of data loss.
>> Cheers
>> Mohammad

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