Ooh. It's so close, but I found an edge case.

If the contents of [[FavoriteTags]] are not in alphabetical order, it forces 
them to be so in the tag display.

So for instance, if the contents of [[FavoriteTags]] is:
"Foo Baz Bar D"

Then the tag display for [[ATestTiddler]] is
"Foo Bar Baz A B C"
"Foo Baz Bar A B C"
as desired. 

So this lets you put a certain group of tags ahead of all other tags, but 
doesn't let you define an arbitrarily order for that group.  Each sub-group of 
tags are still alphabetical.

Not sure what the easy fix is there- instead of the [reverse[]], could that 
list contain a sort based on [[FavoriteTags]]?

The clunkier solution could be to break [[FavoriteTags]] up into multiple 
Tiddlers (start a new Tiddler every time the next tag isn't alphabetical), and 
make the process iterative (so you filter out and list your "first class" tags 
in alphabetical order, then the "second class" tags, and so on, until finally 
listed the un-favored tags last).

Thanks again for the assistance so far bridging the knowledge gap, it's much 

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