
Is there a default way to select a combination of tags so that only the 
> tiddlers with said combination are shown? Or how can I get a list with 
> Checkboxes to do this?

You may also be interested in this:


Search for tags by name, filter tiddlers by custom tag intersections


You can use the search box to search for tags by name in the Tags tab. For 
example, you remember a sauce recipe that could be used for chicken dishes, 
so you search for "sauce" and click on the tag icon next to sauces in the 
list because you are sure you added this tag to the tiddler (so it's a 
direct tag) and then search for "chicken", and you click the chain icon 
next to chicken in the list because you only know that it is related to the 
chicken topic somewhere, but you do not know the depth (ancestor tag).

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