
With TW we have the possibility to basically add a license-link to every 
tiddler, using a license-field. I think this is overkill, but it's 

I personally _only_ use 3rd party libraries, if the license is open enough. 
eg: MIT, BSD or CC-BY ... 

This allows me to license my own content in a more restricted way, if I 
want, without violating the underlying licenses.

If the license used, doesn't fit or is not there at all, there is no 
problem to ask the creator, if s/he wants to add one. Most of them do, if 
you ask politely. If they don't add a license, use a different library. I'm 
pretty sure there is one, which fits.

It think, it's important, that you exactly know, which licenses are 
applied, to the content, that you want to re-publish. 

eg: CC-BY is very open BUT CC-BY-NC-ND is probably the most closed down 
license you can create. 


As Tony pointed out: If you create an edition ... _you_ have to support and 
maintain it. 

If you change "prose content" just make clear, that you changed it. 

If you change "code content" it would be better to rename it, if allowed. 
If renaming isn't possible, please make clear, that you changed something 
and _what_ you changed.  

Useful links: 

Creative Commons (CC) license creator <https://creativecommons.org/choose/>
CC-BY-SA example <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>        
Be aware the example shows a human readable summary! 
The legal code <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode>is 

Open Source Initiative: license overview <https://opensource.org/licenses> 
(MIT, BSD and others)


TiddlyWiki code license 
<https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/license> is 
BSD-3-clause, which is also available as a shadow tiddler: 

*Contributing* to TiddlyWiki is defined by 2 CLAs 
(Contributor License Agreement). 
If you signed one of them you also agreed to paragraph 2.3 Outbound License 
which defines tiddlywiki.com prose and media content to be CC-BY 3.0 

A link to my uni-link plugin 
which contains all elements as discussed above. ... see "license" and 
"readme" tab
The markdown-it plugin 
also contains a 3rd party lib. see: license tab


If you crate an edition, that uses existing plugins, you should be good to 
go if you provide a link to ControlsPanel: Plugins tiddler 
somewhere in your GettingStarted or HelloThere page. It makes all plugin 
license tabs available to the user. 

IMO prose content may be listed in a *Credits *tiddler, with some links to 
the original prose content. That should be OK. 

have fun!

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